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Center for Mindful Awareness
Director: Ken A. Verni, Psy.D.
Awareness at Work
awareness is both an innate capacity for bringing direct attention to
the moment by moment unfolding of events within us and around us and it
is a disciplined, scientific practice of cultivating greater
intimacy with ourselves in such a way that facilitates our
ability to respond skillfully to stressful, constantly changing
situations as compared to getting caught in patterns of
reactivity. Learning
to "turn towards" what is- without reservation, judgment or regret-
enables us to make informed decisions and remain open to deep levels of
intuitive wisdom and creativity that can otherwise be overshadowed by
our notions of how things "should" be. Mindfulness
practice is a direct, practical approach to learning how to stay
closely attuned to the everchanging nature of the present moment.
Learning to cultivate Mindful
Awareness can optimize our capacity to :
Mindful Awareness at Work